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Cogent Views

Boundlessly calibrating ideas about your world view
You're here for a reason,

We strive to be a journalistic publication like no other. This field is filled with events, ideas and general information that is seen as newsworthy. These things are used as key components to developing a story. This is the way of journalism. It is a practice of induction.


We believe that journalism plays a critical role: informing the public, watching our governments and verifying information. The way we gather and communicate information we find is done with inductive reasoning. This is the connection of journalism and philosophy.


Inductive reasoning is how journalists arrive at most of ideas. In short, they begin with the specific and arriving at the general. However, logic is only present in deductive reasoning where we go from the general to the specific.


Here at Cogent Views, we place emphasis on logic, but also recognize that this is impossible without induction when analyzing the real world. Journalists, activists, policy makers and opinion holders of the modern age all generally see a cultural problem and consider all of its effects. Cogent Views holds the philosophy that our problems can only be fully understood when we consider their origins. That is, when we consider a problem, we consider the chain of events that occurred which allowed the problem to exist. This is where journalism and philosophy meets psychology.


Psychological knowledge always begins with induction, but it mostly composed of deduction. Imagine yourself a patient going to see a counselor with a problem. The counselor is probably going to ask "why" questions until they get to a root issue, and then they are going to prescribe a psychological antidote for it. This is an effective method for identifying and relieving deep rooted, complex issues. Psychologists do not hear our issues and think of all the areas of our life where that issue could reach. Visualize problems as a tree; the counselor ignores the leaves and searches for the roots in an attempt to uproot the tree.


Cogent Views is the rendezvous of journalism, philosophy and psychology. We believe the issues our society face can only be properly treated by finding the roots. Just like roots, they may sometimes be visible, but their majority is covered by the remnants of leaves and other dead parts of the trees, all of which spawned from the roots.


Our mission is to change the way journalists, policy makers and opinion holders operate. They cover symptoms rather than finding solutions. They are a medicine to a terminal disease. We are the cure.


Want to see what the application of this idea looks like? Read our work. You are here for a reason.

Clayton Dykstra

CEO of Cogent Views


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